Welcome to the production blog for Eggs (2012), a short horror film starring Lynn Lowry and directed by Ryan Stockstad!
In the coming months, I'll post news and updates regarding the project here. But first, some backstory: About a year and a half ago, with the help of a fantastic cast and crew, I made a 6 minute zombie movie for the Los Angeles 48 Hour Film Project called A Tale of Two Zombies (2010). The 48HFP is a particularly challenging exercise because each team has just two days to make a movie, from writing and directing to editing and scoring, etc. Considering the limitations, the team and I were all very proud of the resulting movie. You can check out the trailer HERE:
Now, Jon Rosenberg wrote the script and Ryan Orvis composed the music. After recovering from the intense weekend, the three of us decided that we should collaborate on another horror project, this time without the ridiculous constraints involved with making a movie in mere hours. 'Eggs' began that day.
Well, truthfully, 'Eggs' began sometime earlier, as a short story by Garon Cockrell. (Garon runs the entertainment website Pop Culture Beast.) As Jon and I discussed the types of stories we might like to tell, I recalled Garon's short horror fiction and asked if Jon and I might adapt his work. Garon agreed and Jon and I set about turning 'Eggs' into a screenplay.
A lot has changed from the original story to the current script draft, but the basic concept remains the same: A lonely woman in a small town snaps and shoots up a local grocery store. What I particularly liked about the story was the realistic, small town horror tone, reminiscent of Stephen King. That and a fascinating lead female character.
After many script meetings and a number of drafts and revisions, Jon and I finally felt the script was ready in December, 2011. I began attaching talent shortly after.
I'll post the full cast list soon in a future blog, but I'm thrilled to announce now that Lynn Lowry has signed on to play the lead part!Jon and I had her in mind almost from the start and I can't think of a more talented actress with as much horror cred as her! She's perfect for the role and I'm beyond stoked about her involvement.
I'm sure I'll have plenty more news and updates in the coming weeks, so please come back often! Or click the FOLLOW link at the top of the page to get notified of new posts. Thanks for reading,